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Rolink Power successfully participated in the 5th Asian Electric Power and Electric Industry Exhibition
Rolink Power III intelligent power distribution system has been put into operation in our Phase III Industrial Park
Release of Rolink Power intelligent power distribution room platform
Release date:2024-03-19
35毫米标准导轨安装,符合DIN EN50022标准。
● 10极宽度(模数12.5毫米),符合DIN 43880标准。
● 标准配置8位LCD显示器显示。
● 标准配置无源电能脉冲输出(有极性),方便和各种AMR系统连接,符合IEC 62053-21和DIN 43864标准。
● RS485数据通信端口,通信协议符合标准Modbus-RTU通讯协议。
● 电能双向计量,能测量正、反向电能。
● LED指示灯指示有功电能脉冲信号(红色)。
● 标准配置U型接线。
Intelligent switchgear manufacturing base:
Marketing hotline: 182-6295-5506(President Zhang)
Office telephone: 0519-8879-0029
Company Email:
No. 101, Yong'anli Road, Luoyang Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province
Power Supply Internet of Things Technology Research Institute:
Technical hotline: 135-7196-5090(President Liu)
Office telephone: 029-8114-1058
Company Email:
Building B, CIC International, Jinye 1st Road, High tech Zone, Xi'an, Shaanxi